In a very well-known passage in John 13, Jesus washed His disciples’ feet. And then in John 13:14-15, Jesus gives His disciples this command.
Now that I, your Lord and Teacher, have washed your feet, you also should wash one another’s feet. I have set you an example that you should do as I have done for you. - John 13:14–15
That word that’s translated as ‘should’ in “you also should wash one another’s feet” is a word that refers to debt. It means to owe. Jesus is explaining to His disciples that since He washed their feet, they now owed Him a debt. And His desire was that they repay that debt by washing one another’s feet.
It’s the same with you. Because Jesus laid His life down for you, you now owe Him a debt. And His desire is that you would repay that debt by regularly serving and laying down your life for His children, for the church. You are commanded to serve other believers… in the most humble and helpful of ways.
Far too many people come to church expecting to be served instead of looking for a place to serve. Far too many people want to complain about what others are not doing, or they want to complain about how others are doing what they are doing, when they ought to be finding some way to humble themselves and serve.
So, let me ask, are you humbling yourself to serve other believers at church? Or do you go expecting to be served?
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