Tuesday, November 26, 2024

Empty Tombs

He has risen! He is not here. See the place where they laid him.
Mark 16:6b

The angel at the tomb didn’t expect the women to take him at his word that Jesus had been raised from the dead. He offered them proof. He invited them to see the place where Jesus had lain so that they might see that He wasn’t dead anymore.

Sadly, we don’t know for sure where the empty tomb is today. We can’t invite our lost friends and family members to see where Jesus laid to prove to them that Jesus was raised. But I believe there are empty graves we should show them and those are the places in our own lives where sin once utterly defeated us and held us in bondage. Every sin that you have been set free from is an empty tomb you can point to as proof that Jesus really was raised from the dead and that He really has breathed new life into you as well.

Are there empty graves in your life? There should be. The tomb of adultery that ruined your marriage ought to now lay empty. Many of us were once laid up in the tombs of drunkenness, of pornography, of addiction, of love for money, and of living for the approval of others. But when we came to Christ, we were set free from those sins and now they are empty tombs in our lives that show Jesus’ glory and power. They are proof that although at one time we were dead in our sins and we have now come alive in Christ Jesus.

This is why Christians shouldn’t hide from our past. We don’t glory in our past sins, but we do glory in the God who saves sinners like us. And one of the ways we declare His glory to the world is by being honest and open about the tombs He saved us from.

So, tell your testimony. Be honest. Be vulnerable about how bad off you were before you met Jesus. Invite people to come see the place where you lay dead before Jesus gave you new life.

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