Wednesday, January 6, 2021

Don't be like Cain

Do not be like Cain, who belonged to the evil one and murdered his brother. And why did he murder him? Because his own actions were evil and his brother’s were righteous.
I John 3:11-12

Don’t be like Cain! Cain didn’t love his brother. In fact, he allowed the sin in his life to cause him to hate Abel. And even though Abel had done no wrong, Cain struck out at him and killed him. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve seen this same dynamic play out in churches… minus the actual act of killing. Sin in your life will make you hate other believers and it will make you think it’s their fault when you do. 

Over and over again I have seen Christians get angry at other believers who they think they are judging them. But what’s really happening is this. When they get around a righteous man or woman of God, their conscience convicts them of their sin and they feel guilty. But they project that guilt onto someone else. They think “I must feel guilty when I’m around that person because they’re judging me.” So they strike out in anger at a perfectly innocent and righteous brother or sister in Christ.

Be careful or you will fall into this trap! Be on your guard against sin in your life. Don't give it even a foothold. And when the Holy Spirit does convict you of your sin, respond with repentance and thankfulness not an evil attitude of hatred for your brothers and sisters in Christ who are more righteous than you are. Don't let your sin cause you to hate other believers. We don’t need any more Cain’s in our churches.

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