Wednesday, May 9, 2018

Thoughts of God

   When I consider your heavens,
       the work of your fingers,
   the moon and the stars,
       which you have set in place,
   what is mankind that you are mindful of them,
       human beings that you care for them?
Psalm 8:3-4

If we aren't careful our thoughts of God can become so centered on ourselves that they reveal an arrogant and self-important perspective. We wonder why God hasn't given us this or that thing we want. We wonder why God allows bad things to happen to us. We wonder why He isn't answering our prayers. We wonder why He doesn't make Himself more known to us. All the while what we ought to be wondering is why He would be mindful of us at all. 

Think about it. Not a single world leader knows that I exist. No governor or state representative would take my phone call. There's not a mayor in the United States that knows my name. None of my local council members have any idea who I am. But the Creator of Heaven and Earth knows me!? He not only knows that I exist, but He created me. He knows my name, and He invites me to call on Him in prayer anytime day or night. He invites me into a personal relationship with Him through His Son Jesus. The Bible would even have me believe that He loves me.

It is all almost too much to swallow. It's too good to be true! In fact, of all the reasons people struggle to accept the Christian faith, this ought to be the top reason. It is too absurd to think that an all-knowing, all-powerful, and eternal God could actually care for me. The people who live on my street barely care to know me, how unbelievable is it to think that He would care to!? 

Yet this is the undeniable truth of God's Word. I don't want you to doubt that God cares for you. I want you to marvel that He does. Because until you truly marvel that God loves you, your thoughts toward Him will continue to be as entitled and self-aggrandizing as above. 

It is only when I begin to see how insignificant I am in comparison to Him that I find the joy in worshiping God. So, pause for a moment and marvel that God knows you, that He loves you, and that He is mindful of you. And be moved to joyful praise.

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