Wednesday, February 12, 2020

A Servant of Christ Jesus

Paul and Timothy, servants of Christ Jesus, To all God’s holy people in Christ Jesus at Philippi, together with the overseers and deacons: Grace and peace to you from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.
Philippians 1:1-2

Paul is writing to a church he planted in the Roman colony of Philippi approximately 12 years earlier. As he begins his letter there can be little doubt that some who will read it are old friends. Men and women he brought to faith in the Lord and ministered to. For them this greeting is a reminder of who Paul is and what he is about. Others who will read this letter have never met Paul and for them this is an introduction. 

Notice how Paul introduces himself. He doesn't say, "I'm Paul, the great missionary who planted your church." Nor does he say, "I am Paul the great apostle who was converted on the road to Damascus by a special revelation of Jesus." No. How does he describe himself? I am Paul, a servant of Jesus Christ. Paul saw himself as a servant of Jesus. Nothing more and nothing less. 

Indeed, being a servant of Christ is a high honor, for there is no greater master one could serve, but it is also a lowly place of service. Paul is fine with this. He has laid himself on the altar. He no longer cares for his own life. He writes these words from house arrest in Rome where he will stand trial. He knows he could be executed. Yet, look at verses 20-21. "...Now as always Christ will be exalted in my body, whether by life or by death. For to me, to live is Christ and to die is gain."  

See how pervasive his servant mindset is. Paul is no more. He has been swallowed up in His Savior. Jesus has become his all in all. So much so that he doesn't even care for his own life. Life or death, either way is gain for him. Life means more service to Christ, but death means to depart and be with Christ. He has completely surrendered to the service of his Lord. 

Are you a servant of Jesus? If you are a believer then you are. All of us have been called into service and sent out with his powerful Spirit on mission to advance His kingdom and share the good news. I dare you to make these verses a goal for your life. Let service to Jesus be the main identifier by which people know you. Let Him be your all in all, so much so that you will live to serve Him and when your time comes be willing to die for Him too.

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