Wednesday, April 25, 2018


But if we have food and clothing, we will be content with that. Those who want to get rich fall into temptation and a trap and into many foolish and harmful desires that plunge people into ruin and destruction. For the love of money is a root of all kinds of evil. Some people, eager for money, have wandered from the faith and pierced themselves with many griefs.

1 Timothy 6:8-11


If you get enough of it you can have almost anything you want: a big house, a fast car, nice clothes, fancy food, tropical vacations, plastic surgery, beautiful friends, and sometimes even lovers. This is just how our world works. It always has, and it probably always will. Though we claim to have grown past this level of base greed, deep down many of us still believe that more money would make us happier.

Just look at social media. You can scroll through an endless number of pictures of young people flashing big stacks of cash. These young people are merely emulating celebrities whom they often see draped in opulent jewelry and drinking expensive liquor while flanked by their cars, yachts or planes. You may be older and wiser than these kids on social media, but don't think you are beyond the allure of being rich. In my experience love of money knows no age limit. Your concept of happiness may look less like Jay-Z than a fat 401k, but none of us are above being tempted by riches.

But Scripture warns us that this desire to be rich is a trap! Proverbs 23:4-5 says, "Do not wear yourself out to get rich... Cast but a glance at riches, and they are gone, for they will surely sprout wings and fly off to the sky like an eagle." So, don’t work to get rich. Work to provide for your family, or to advance God’s kingdom, or to improve yourself; but never merely to get rich. 

Riches almost always disappoint and corrupt their owner. 1 Timothy 6:8-11 reveals that this desire for money can plunge us into ruin and destruction. It can produce all kinds of evil in us. Wanting to be rich is a foolish and harmful dream whose only rewards may prove to be grief, pain and apostasy. The man or woman who wants to be rich is like the dog who chases its own tail. It very likely will never catch it, and it is sure to be disappointed and hurt if it ever does. 

So be wise! Regularly surrender significant sums of your money to the Lord asking Him to direct you to some church or ministry to give to. In doing so you will not only store up treasure for yourself in heaven (Matthew 6:19-21), but will also continually put to death any growing love of money that tries to take root in your heart. Be vigilant! 

For further reading...
  • Luke 4:5-8- Satan tried to tempt Jesus with all the world had to offer too.

Wednesday, April 18, 2018

Look Back

The following night the Lord stood by [Paul] and said, “Take courage, for as you have testified to the facts about me in Jerusalem, so you must testify also in Rome.” When it was day, the Jews made a plot and bound themselves by an oath neither to eat nor drink till they had killed Paul.
Acts 23:11-12

Paul sits in chains in a Roman barracks in Jerusalem. Though innocent, he has been arrested and will soon go to Caesarea and eventually on to Rome for his first imprisonment there. Within the last few days two different Jewish mobs have tried to kill him with their bare hands. The first mob tried to beat him to death outside the Temple after he was falsely accused of desecrating their holy place. The second consisted of the chief priests and all of the Sanhedrin. As Paul presented his defense before them they became so enraged that a riot broke out among these religious leaders. It was so bad that a battle-hardened Roman commander of 1,000 men thought these religious men might tear Paul limb from limb. He had to send soldiers in to rescue the apostle. It is little wonder, then, that God felt Paul needed some encouragement and reassurance that night in the barracks. But when we read what mischief unfolds the next morning, God's wisdom and His goodness in appearing to Paul that night become even more apparent. 

An assassination plot has been hatched by more than forty Jewish men in league with the chief priests and elders to take Paul's life. Paul's nephew comes to the barracks to warn his uncle. Thankfully, as the story unfolds, Paul knows he needn't worry. God has already told him to take courage and has assured him that he will go to Rome. Paul knows that he cannot be assassinated in Jerusalem when God has an appointment for him in Rome!

These murderous men made the scheme against Paul in the morning, but God had already encouraged Paul the night before. God met Paul's need before it even arose. God isn't like we are. Since no problem takes Him by surprise, he doesn't have to wait until the problem comes along to solve it. God knew that these men would hatch their murderous plot the next morning, so He met Paul's need ahead of time.

Sometimes God does the same for us. Sometimes He provides for our needs before they even arise. So the next time a problem surprises you, the next time life hits you in the gut and takes your breath away, stop and look back! God may have already met your need ahead of time. He may have already given you the assurance you need in His Word, in His promises to you, or through His faithful dealings with you over many years.

So before you give in to fear, pause and look back at what God has already told you.

Wednesday, April 11, 2018


Remember Jesus Christ, raised from the dead, descended from David. This is my gospel, for which I am suffering even to the point of being chained like a criminal. But God’s word is not chained.
2 Timothy 2:8-9

God's Word cannot be chained! 

Many have tried for centuries to stop the spread of the Bible. God's Word has been banned, burned, and outlawed. It has been ridiculed and disparaged. Those who oppose it have claimed that it is full of lies and that only weak-minded people need it to prop up their fragile egos. But still the Word of God speaks! Despite all their effort, it has not been silenced and it never will be.

In Isaiah 55:11 God promises, "the word that goes out from my mouth... will not return to me empty, but will accomplish what I desire and achieve the purpose for which I sent it." God's Word cannot be chained because it will not be thwarted!

Even if they succeeded in confiscating every copy of the Word and locking up every believer who was bold enough to preach the gospel; even still God's Word would not be silenced. God would find a way. Because at the back of God's Word stands the omnipotent power of God Himself! Behind the words printed on the page is God's Spirit at work. He uses the human phrases, the everyday illustrations and the metaphors to breathe new life into dead hearts. I Peter 1:23 reminds us that it was the Word of God that gave us new birth. "For you have been born again, not of perishable seed, but of imperishable, through the living and enduring word of God."

We must never forget that there is supernatural power in the Word of God. Learn it, so you can use it to battle your doubts and temptations. Read it to your kids every day to plant the seed of faith in their lives. Speak it to your brothers and sisters in Christ to strengthen and encourage them in their faith. And memorize it so you can speak it to your lost friends. Invest your time and energy in God's Word and it will bring a harvest.