Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Hard to See

When I was a kid Magic Eye 3D puzzles were very popular. In case you don't remember them, they were crazy images like the one above. If you cross your eyes just the right way a three dimensional image appears from within the pattern. (I found this picture on the following website which was also helpful in reminding me how to do it:

I was reminded of these puzzles as I thought about hard it can be to really understand what is going on in the world. Scripture bears this out in a number of different ways. 2 Corinthians 4:4 tells us that Satan has blinded the minds of unbelievers so that they cannot see the truth of the gospel or understand who Christ really is. Jesus Himself spoke about people having ears to hear and eyes to see. He said that people could watch Him perform miracles but not really perceive who He was. They could listening to his teaching but never understand their true meaning (Matthew 13:13-16).

Have you ever experienced something like this? Do you ever read your Bible and come up empty? I know I do. Because of the sin in our world and in our hearts it is often hard to see and understand spiritual truths. Sometimes it is hard to understand the Bible. It can be hard to understand who God is and why He allows some of the things He does. To see the truth we have to look at things the right way. We need to quit relying on ourselves to figure everything out and turn to God for help.

So today before you sit down to read your Bible, stop and ask God to help you understand. Ask God to give you eyes to see and ears to hear. Ask Him to help you understand who He is and to see the wisdom in His dealings with the world. And pray for your lost friends that God would open their minds to see the light of the gospel in Jesus.

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