Thursday, February 23, 2023

What do We Need

Calling the Twelve to him, he began to send them out two by two and gave them authority over impure spirits. These were his instructions: “Take nothing for the journey except a staff—no bread, no bag, no money in your belts. Wear sandals but not an extra shirt.
‌Mark 6:7–9

This is the first time in Mark’s gospel that the 12 Apostles are sent out on mission. They’ve been watching Jesus minister and helping Him minister and learning from Him. But now they are sent out. 

And I think we should take special notice of what Jesus did and did not send with them because every believer has been sent out to be a witness like the apostles. Every believer has been commanded to go and share the message of repentance and grace with a lost and dying world. So I want to see what Jesus sent them with, so I can see what we need in order to be an effective witness for Jesus. 

The first thing I notice is that Jesus didn’t send them out with a seminary degree or a library of theological books. He didn’t tell them they needed to be eloquent or smarter than their audience. Many times we think we need these things to be used by God. And since many of us don’t have these things, we think “God can’t use me.” Or maybe, “I’m off the hook.” But Jesus didn’t send the 12 out with any of these things, so you don’t need them. God can use you to do big things without any of these things.

‌‌But what did Jesus send them with? He sent every disciple out with a partner. Jesus could have sent the disciples out in 12 different directions, but He didn’t. The very first thing God gave these men when He sent them out into the world to be a witness was a partner, a friend, someone they could trust and rely on and lean on and turn to for advice and share their ministry with. You need that too.

‌‌What this tells us is that we aren’t strong enough to go it alone. You need someone to walk the road of faith with you. ‌‌Find someone who can encourage you and pray for you and help you grow in your faith and then, be that for them too... because we all need someone to help us reach our potential in the Lord.

L‌astly, Jesus sent them out with no supplies. You could argue that this was a terrible plan! Jesus, essentially sends them out with no provisions... only faith. They have no money for their ministry. They have no extra tunic or sandals. They aren’t even allowed to bring extra bread. ‌‌

Why would Jesus send them out like this? So, they wouldn’t forget how much they needed God. You see, Jesus gave the 12 power to heal the sick and cast out demons. This could have puffed them up with pride. They could have started thinking they were accomplishing these things in their own power instead of God’s. But their lack of provision put them in a state of weakness and acted as a counterbalance to all that power. It reminded them that they couldn’t even guarantee their next meal, let alone heal anyone or lead anyone to salvation apart from Him. Their lack of provision made sure they didn’t forget how much they needed God. 

‌‌You don’t need money or any other supplies to obey God. If God has laid something on your heart- maybe a desire to start a ministry or a heart to become a missionary or calling to become a pastor or to plant a church- don’t think “I don’t have the money to do that.” Or “I don’t have this” Or “I don’t have that.” If God called you to do it, then He will provide what you need every step of the way. If you have God’s blessing, God’s calling, and a fellow believer to go along with you; then you have all you need. Step out in faith and obey what He has put on your heart and trust Him to provide for your needs.

‌For further consideration...
- I would argue that the recent revival that has broken out at Asbury University in Kentucky proves this point. Do you agree?

Wednesday, February 8, 2023

Offer Your Bodies

Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God—this is your true and proper worship.
Romans 12:1‌

I want to focus in on the words “offer your bodies.” The first thing we need to understand is the that the word for ‘body’ here refers to more than just your physical body. It is your whole life. And the word for ‘offer’ probably means to stand by and present or show something. So, the image that we have here is something like this...

Imagine yourself standing before God with your hands open and outstretched offering something up to Him. And what you are offering is your life. Your gift to God is how you live, what you do and what you don’t do and how you go about doing these things. With that image in mind, let me ask... What kind of gift are you giving God right now? What kind of life are you offering to Him? Are you happy with what you are currently giving to God?

As Americans we often think that our bodies and our lives are our own to do with as we please. But 1 Corinthians 6:19–20 says to Christians, 
“You are not your own; you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your bodies.”

It’s important that you understand that your life is not your own anymore. When you became a believer, when you made Jesus Lord of your life, He redeemed you from slavery to sin and bought you with His blood. You became His special possession, His servant. If you are a Christian then your life is not your own. It is a gift, an offering that you make to God. Live your life in such a way that the offering you make is holy and pleasing to Him in every way.

Wednesday, February 1, 2023

Walk by the Spirit

Have you ever felt powerless before your sin... like the temptation to sin was just too strong for you to fight alone? Or, have there been times when you didn’t even feel like fighting temptation? I know I've felt that way. What we need is an ally in our fight against sin. We need someone who is stronger than us and who is stronger than sin to help us defeat the power of sin in our lives. And that's exactly what God gives us in the Holy Spirit.
Listen to what God promised to do for His people in Ezekiel 36:27 God says, 
“I will put my Spirit in you and move you to follow my decrees and be careful to keep my laws.” 

God promised that when He put His Spirit in us the Spirit would move us to follow His decrees and keep His laws. God’s Spirit helps you want to obey God! 

We see the same thing in Galatians 5:16-17. ‌‌There the Apostle Paul says....
‌"Walk by the Spirit, and you will not gratify the desires of the flesh. For the flesh desires what is contrary to the Spirit, and the Spirit what is contrary to the flesh. They are in conflict with each other, so that you are not to do whatever you want."

The Holy Spirit in you is in conflict with your sinful flesh and its temptations. It fights against your sinful desires. If you are a believer, then you are not fighting temptation alone any more. You have an ally. Before you got saved all you knew was the pull of temptation. You were drug around by your flesh like a dog on a leash and you weren’t strong enough to fight against it. But now, there is a tug of war inside you. The Spirit in you pulls against the flesh and helps you desire what is right.
But the Spirit doesn’t just help you desire rightly, it also gives you the power to fight sin. Never forget that the same Spirit that raised Jesus from the dead lives inside you and helps you fight sin. You have God’s eternal, limitless power helping you say no to sin. That’s why 1 Corinthians 10:13 can say 
"No temptation has overtaken you except what is common to mankind. And God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you can endure it."

No temptation is too strong for you, because you have God’s resurrection power on your side. You can say no to temptation. ‌‌You can win the war against sin in your life. But first you must learn to walk by the Spirit as Galatians 5:16 urges. If you are a believer, then you should live every day with an awareness of the Spirit’s presence in you. You should obey not only God’s Word but also the promptings of His Spirit in you. When the Spirit convicts you of sin, be quick to repent. When the Spirit prompts you to do some good thing, be quick to obey Him. When you are tempted to sin, don’t fight it alone but ask the Spirit for help. Ask Him to help you say no to temptation. Ask Him to change your desires. The Spirit’s presence and power should be a major part of your everyday walk with the Lord.