Jude, a servant of Jesus Christ and a brother of James, To those who have been called, who are loved in God the Father and kept for Jesus Christ: Mercy, peace and love be yours in abundance.
Jude 1-2
Jude begins his letter by reminding us of three truths about the believer... and these three truths relate to our past, our present and our future.
First, Jude reminds the Christian something about our past. He tells us that we are those who have been called to salvation. Jesus makes the same point strongly in John 6:44 when He says “No one can come to me unless the Father who sent me draws them...” If you are saved, you’re saved because at some point in the past God called you to salvation. Your salvation didn’t begin and end with you. It began in the heart of God.
The second thing Jude tells us about ourselves relates to our standing before God in the present. If you are a Christian, then you “are loved in God the Father.” You do not stand before God any longer as an enemy who is under His wrath, but as a beloved son or daughter whom He has clothed in the righteousness of Christ. While it is true that God loves all people, He loves believers in a special way. There's a special love that the Father has for His children. God loves you!
The third thing Jude reminds us of has to do with our future. He tells us that we are “kept for Jesus Christ.” That word ‘kept’ means ‘to preserve’ or even ‘to guard.’ And in the context of there being false teachers who are trying to distort the gospel and lead us away from Christ, this is especially encouraging. Sometimes the idea of persevering in the Christian faith and of not giving in to doubt when we live in a world of doubt… can seem like an impossible goal. So, it’s encouraging to be reminded that we do not have to keep ourselves in the faith by our own power. You are kept for Jesus Christ. God Himself is guarding, keeping and preserving you from the strategies of the enemy.
And because of these three truths, you also have mercy, peace and love in abundance. You have abundant mercy, in that God has withheld the punishment your sins deserve. You have abundant peace as a result of your being put back in a right relationship with God. And it was His abundant love toward you that accomplished all of this on your behalf and that keeps you for the day of His coming.
Have you ever stopped to consider how great a blessing it is just to be saved? If you didn’t have a dollar to your name, no food, no possessions, no family, no nothing… if all you had in the entire world was your salvation; you would still be immensely blessed solely because you could say you were called, you are loved and and you are being kept for the day of salvation. If you had nothing else, you would still have mercy, peace and love in abundance. So, praise the Lord for the great and gracious gift of your salvation today.