Wednesday, April 17, 2024

Jesus & The Fig Tree

The next day as they were leaving Bethany, Jesus was hungry. Seeing in the distance a fig tree in leaf, he went to find out if it had any fruit. When he reached it, he found nothing but leaves, because it was not the season for figs. Then he said to the tree, “May no one ever eat fruit from you again.”
Mark 11:12–14

Jesus isn't pitching a fit here; He's making a point. In the Old Testament fig trees and figs were sometimes used as a metaphor for Israel. Jesus was on His way to the temple to pass judgment on God’s people and their worship when He gets hungry. In the distance, He sees a fig tree (a symbol of God’s people) that has leaves on it. Now, it isn't the the season for figs yet, but by this time of the year this tree ought to have edible buds on it. Fig trees in first century Palestine produced these buds before they grew leaves and figs, and poor people often ate these buds.* But when Jesus goes over to the tree looking for this fruit, He finds that it has nothing to give Him. There is an appearance of fruit, but there is no fruit.

Now, Jesus could have said nothing. He could have simply walked away. But He knows that this fig tree is a perfect picture of God’s people at that moment in time. The Jewish religion had an impressive outward appearance, but no fruit. God’s people had become just like that fig tree. They had an appearance of righteousness from afar, but up close, you could see they were barren, fruitless, unproductive and displeasing to their God. So, Jesus chooses to curse the fig tree as a sign (as an acted-out parable) to show His disciples that God’s judgment was coming on His people.

In doing this, Jesus condemns all religion that is outward only. If you appear to be a Christian, if you appear to be godly, but it’s all just a big show, a charade, a mask that you use to fool people; then you need to know that you aren’t fooling Jesus and judgment is coming.

If Jesus were to come inspect your life today, would He find fruit or just leaves? Are you pretending to be something you aren’t. Are you just pretending to be a Christian.... pretending to love God... pretending to believe…pretending to live according to God’s commands. Maybe you thought God was far enough away that He couldn’t see the real you! Well, you’re wrong! Jesus sees you up close. And all your outward show of religion and godliness doesn’t fool Him. Jesus doesn’t judge by outward appearances. He looks at the heart, and He sees you for what you really are.

Take an honest look at your life today. If there's little to no fruit on the tree, then take this story to heart and start producing fruit in keeping with repentance.

* John D. Grassmick, “Mark,” in The Bible Knowledge Commentary: An Exposition of the Scriptures, ed. J. F. Walvoord and R. B. Zuck, vol. 2 (Wheaton, IL: Victor Books, 1985), 157.

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