Wednesday, August 3, 2022

21 Ways to Share Your Faith

Now the Lord provided a huge fish to swallow Jonah, and Jonah was in the belly of the fish three days and three nights.
Jonah 1:17

If I were to summarize the book of Jonah with a single sentence, I might put it this way. "If God tells you to go, then you better go." And this is important for us as New Testament believers because God has commanded us to go. Before His ascension to Heaven, Jesus commanded us to “Go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you" (Matthew 28:19-20). You are commanded to go and share the gospel with the lost. But sometimes it feels like it is difficult to find opportunities to share either the gospel or your testimony with lost people. So, I recently came up with 21 ways to help create opportunities to be a witness. Here they are:

1. Share a meal. Eating a meal with someone gives you the opportunity to pray over the food or engage in deeper conversation that you can steer towards spiritual things. 

2. Invite them to your home. They may see scripture or crosses on the walls. They will certainly get a closer look at how you live and how you treat your family. And this is a great way to share a meal with them.

3. Give them a Bible or a Christian book. Tell them how much it meant to you and that you wanted them to have it on their shelf in case they ever felt the need to explore it.  

4. Give them a gospel tract. A lot of people use these to share the gospel when they don't have the time to explain the gospel fully but want the person to have a full explanation they can read later.  I have used the "Four Spiritual Laws" tract quite a bit.

5. Just ask, “Can I share a little of my story with you?” Or "Can I tell you a little about my faith?"

6. Recommend they see a Christian movie. Yeah, some of them are cheesy, but some of them are pretty good. 

7. Write an “evange-letter.” I once worked my way through part of a condo complex this way. I started with unit A-1 and wrote a gospel letter to its unknown resident and mailed it. Each week I would write a letter to a new unit and pray for the people who lived there. 

8. Give them a notecard with a Scripture written on it. I used to write the text of Romans 5:8 on 3X5 notecards and give one to the cashier every time I checked out.  

9. Invite them to something. Invite them to church, a Bible study, a Christian concert or even to see a Christian comedian with you.

10. Listen to their needs and then offer to pray for them. Most of us hate it when someone drones on about their problems. But what if you actually listened and offered to pray for them?

11. When your server brings your food at a restaurant say, “We are about to pray over our meal. Is there anything we can for you about?”

12. Post Scripture or your testimony on social media.

13. Ask spiritual questions like “What do you believe about that?”

14. Give them a ride. While they are in your car you can listen to Christian music or engage them in a conversation about spiritual things.

15. Tag along with a friend. It always helps to see someone else do it, so when you get the chance to watch someone else share their faith...take it!

16. Go on a mission trip!

17. Get involved with a Christian group like FCA. As people become aware of the groups you volunteer with and participate in they will know what you believe. 
18. Introduce them to a Christian friend. “This is my friend, John, from church. You know you should really come to our church sometime. I really think you would like it.”

19. Decide to share the gospel with everyone who comes into your home. You can say something like, “I like to make sure that everyone who comes into my home knows about Jesus.” Then you can give them a tract or a short explanation of the gospel.

20. Pray for specific lost people and for opportunities to share Jesus with them. 

21. Be an obvious Christian everywhere you go. Your shirts, hats, bumper stickers, home décor, and life style can all be a witness. If you avoid cussing and gossiping, if you submit to authority and show true grace and forgiveness to people at work, they’ll notice. Live such an obviously Christian lifestyle that people can't know you without knowing you're a Christian.

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