Wednesday, April 6, 2022

Prayer at the Crossroads

Yet the news about him spread all the more, so that crowds of people came to hear him and to be healed of their sicknesses. But Jesus often withdrew to lonely places and prayed.
Luke 5:15-16

As I look back over my life, I realize that at many of the major crossroads God used prayer to guide me and reveal His will for me. It was through prayer that God called me to ministry. It was through prayer that He led me to my wife. And it was through prayer that God led me to each of the three churches I’ve served. And what I realized this week is that we see the same thing in Jesus’ life. At every major crossroads, at every turning point, we find Him praying. 

It was when Jesus was praying at His baptism that heaven was opened and the Holy Spirit descended on Him and anointed Him for ministry (Luke 3:21-22). This was Jesus’ ordination, the birth of His ministry. And what was He doing when it all began? He was praying.

Then as Jesus became more popular, and the demands on Him grew, what did He do? He didn’t spend more time crafting His sermons or going fishing to get a little R&R. No! Luke 5:15-16 says "He often withdrew to lonely places and prayed." That time alone, speaking to God was a lifeline for Jesus. It no doubt recharged and refilled Him so He could continue pouring Himself out in ministry day after day after day.

Later, when the time came for Jesus to select 12 men to designate as apostles, how did Jesus go about making this big decision? Luke 6:12-13 tells us that He prayed the entire night! Then, at His transfiguration Jesus revealed to a few of these twelve apostles who He really was. And wouldn’t you know it, Jesus was praying when He was transfigured! (Luke 9:28-29) He was praying when His divine glory broke through.

And what about that last major event in Jesus’ life? His death. How did Jesus prepare Himself for all that He would suffer? He prayed! We often ask people how they would spend their final moments if they knew they were going to die. Jesus chose to spend His last free moments, praying…seeking God’s guidance and strength for what lay ahead (Luke 22:39-41).

So, make prayer a regular habit in your life. If you aren't sure how to pray, use the Lord’s Prayer or one of David’s prayers in the Psalms to get you started. Pray their prayers until you feel comfortable praying your own. In time you’ll see that praying isn’t difficult. It’s just talking to God: thanking Him, praising Him, confessing your sins, and bringing your needs to Him. Prayer isn’t difficult, but prayer is important, especially when you’re at a crossroads. In those moments especially, you should pray and ask for God’s direction.

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