Wednesday, January 19, 2022

A Heart Sacrifice

Some time later God tested Abraham. He said to him, “Abraham!” “Here I am,” he replied.
Then God said, “Take your son, your only son, whom you love—Isaac—and go to the region of Moriah. Sacrifice him there as a burnt offering on a mountain I will show you.”
Genesis 22:1-2

The thought of offering a child up to God as a sacrifice is appalling. But as we read the rest of this story, we find that God never wanted a human sacrifice, and He certainly didn’t want Isaac to die. He had plans for him. No. What God wanted was a heart sacrifice.

You see Abraham had lived most of his life childless. His wife, Sarah, was barren. And in that culture having children, having an heir, was a big thing. Abraham was 75 years old when God first spoke to him and promised to give him offspring. But then…nothing happened. For 24 years Abraham trusted even though he knew that his wife was barren and well past the age of childbearing. For 24 years Abraham waited, but no son. And then, finally, when he was 99 years old the Lord told him it was time for Sarah to get pregnant and at 100 years old, his son Isaac was born.

Most fathers love their children, but after waiting so long for Isaac, Abraham must have loved him dearly. I believe there was a danger of Isaac becoming an idol in his life. And if there’s one thing you can be certain of, it's that God will ask you to sacrifice whatever it is that you love most for Him. He wants to be first in your life. He wants to be first in your heart. And He will ask you to give up anything or anyone that threatens to keep your love from Him.

Jesus said the greatest Commandment is to “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’” (Matthew 22:37) And God expects nothing less than this from believers. If you dare to love anything or anyone more than you love Him, He will ask you to give it to Him.

Is there something or someone that you love more than the Lord? Jesus won’t accept second place in your heart. Lay it on the altar and offer it up to the Lord. Lay your dream of having kids or getting married at the Lord’s feet. Lay your ministry at his feet. Lay your wealth at His feet. Lay your very life at the feet of Jesus and tell Him that you love Him more than anything and everything else. If Jesus is whispering to your heart and asking you to lay something down, to sacrifice it for him, then follow in Abraham's footsteps and do it. 

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