Wednesday, December 8, 2021

Live for the Lord. Die for the Lord.

If we live, we live for the Lord; and if we die, we die for the Lord. So, whether we live or die, we belong to the Lord.
Romans 14:8

This simple truth is often neglected. Some Christians don't want to live for the Lord. They want to live for themselves, gratifying the desires of their flesh. Others are more than willing to live for the Lord as long as it means they will be able to avoid suffering, struggle, and death. They live God-honoring lives but expect God to keep them untouched by sickness and death in return. They wouldn't claim to believe they should live forever, but when sickness or death does come, no matter how old they are, they feel betrayed by their God. 

I would like to be a third and rarer type of Christian, a Romans 14:8 Christian. I would like to be the kind of Christian who is more than willing to live every day of my life for the Lord while being willing to die for Him as well. 

In Romans 14, the concept of dying for the Lord has nothing to do with martyrdom. It is simply dying for the Lord or as unto the Lord. As Christians, we are called to do whatever we do for the glory of God (1 Corinthians 10:31). Romans 14:8 reminds us that this includes dying. When you die, you should do it in such a way as to bring glory to God. You should die for the Lord just like you lived for the Lord. And every single one of us will one day be called on to die (unless we live until Jesus comes back). And I can tell you firsthand how powerful a witness it can be when a Christian dies well, when they die for the Lord. Sadly, I can also tell you that it doesn't always happen. 

So, take a moment and ask yourself if you are really living for the Lord. And then take another moment ask yourself if you are really ready to die for Him. Jesus said, “Whoever wants to be my disciple must deny themselves and take up their cross daily and follow me. For whoever wants to save their life will lose it, but whoever loses their life for me will save it" (Luke 9:23-24). I am convinced that if we obey this command, if we take up our cross every day and live for Jesus, then we will be ready to die for Him when the time comes. Live for the Lord and His glory. And when the time comes, die for Him and His glory too.

Heavenly Father, 
Help me to live for you and Your glory. And when the time comes, help me to die for you and your glory as well. In Jesus' name...Amen.

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