Wednesday, July 7, 2021

Putting the Word to Work

And we also thank God continually because, when you received the word of God, which you heard from us, you accepted it not as a human word, but as it actually is, the word of God, which is indeed at work in you who believe.
I Thessalonians 2:13

This verse tells us why reading God's word is important. It tells us why Christians have been willing to live and die for this book. It even tells us why we shouldn't be too concerned at the statistics that say most people can't tell me what my sermon was about two hours after they leave church.

It does all that and more when it says that the word of God is at work in those who believe. When you read God's word or when you hear a good sermon explaining the word, it doesn't just increase your knowledge. If you believe, then the word goes to work on you and begins to change you.

It may sound a little odd for me to say that I don't care (too much) if my congregation can't remember what I preached last Sunday, but I really don't. Sure, I want my sermons to make an impact, and I would love for them to remember what I say, but I know that my people can't remember every sermon I preach. So, I strive to preach biblical sermons full of God's word because if I succeed at that I know that even if they don't remember the sermon, they will be changed by it! If I am faithful to preach the word, then God is faithful to make the word work on those who believe. 

This is why so many have been willing to live and die for God's word, because it was far more than just a book for them. It was the source of their spiritual life change. It can be the same for you. I want to challenge you to read your Bible every day...even when you don't feel like it... even when it seems like it isn't accomplishing anything. Read the Bible. Listen to the Bible. Sing the Bible. And believe the Bible. As you do these things, you can trust that God's powerful word, the same word that spoke creation into being, is at work in you transforming your heart and mind by its truth. Let God's word work on you today. 

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