Wednesday, May 26, 2021

Knowing Jesus

After six days Jesus took Peter, James and John with him and led them up a high mountain, where they were all alone. There he was transfigured before them.
Mark 9:2

During Jesus' earthly ministry there were only a few people who saw Him for what He really was. Jesus fully revealed Himself to Peter, James, and John alone. They alone saw Him transfigured, His clothes shining white, standing on the mountaintop talking to Moses and Elijah. They alone heard the voice of God saying, "This is my Son, whom I love, Listen to Him!"

This special revelation wasn't for all of Jesus' followers. It wasn't for Jesus' family (though they certainly received their own special revelation). It wasn't even for the twelve disciples. It was reserved for these three alone. 

Everyone else who knew Jesus, knew Him imperfectly. In fact, any fair reading of the gospels would have to admit that even these three- who received perhaps the greatest revelation of Jesus' nature- still didn't know Jesus perfectly. They received the revelation, but they didn't fully understand it. Verses nine and ten records that as they were coming down the mountain Jesus warned them not to tell anyone what they had seen until He was raised from the dead. But they questioned among themselves what Jesus could possibly mean by "rising from the dead." Their understanding of Jesus and His mission was still imperfect even after the transfiguration.

Yet, it seems to me, that most Christians today assume they have fully comprehended who Jesus is, what He accomplished, and what His will for their life is. Christians today don't see Jesus' nature, His divinity, His life, His death, or His teaching as a great mystery to be unlocked. No! We arrogantly assume that we already know all there is to know about Jesus. We think we learned it all in Sunday School songs as children. 

I am convinced that many Christians will be ashamed to realize how little they understood their Savior when they get to Heaven. Peter, James, and John walked with Jesus in the flesh for three years. He was transfigured in their presence. His identity was proclaimed to them by the very voice of God coming from a cloud, and still they did not fully grasp the greatness of who Jesus was. So, don't you think it's possible that you still have more to learn about Christ as well? 

We will never exhaust the glorious mysteries found in knowing Jesus throughout all of eternity. So, I feel confident in saying that neither you nor I have exhausted them here on earth. You still have more to learn about Jesus! Don't fall for the lie that you already know Him perfectly. Press in and press on to get to know Him better for there is greater joy and a deeper sense of awe with each fresh revelation of His character.

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