Wednesday, August 26, 2020

Lord, Lord

"Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only the one who does the will of my Father who is in heaven. Many will say to me on that day, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name and in your name drive out demons and in your name perform many miracles?’ Then I will tell them plainly, ‘I never knew you. Away from me, you evildoers!’
Matthew 7:21-23

Notice, these people have done some pretty impressive things. I haven’t driven any demons out of anybody. I’ve never performed any miracles. And yet Jesus tells these people with these impressive resumes that they won’t get into Heaven. Why?

Look at verse 23. They may have accomplished a few big and impressive things, but the day-to-day fruit of their live must not have been very good because Jesus calls them evildoers. You see, salvation isn’t something you can earn. It’s not about doing a few big things that you can put on your Christian resume. It’s about having a relationship with Jesus that so thoroughly changes you that it shows up in how you live- not just in a few, big impressive ways here and there but in the day-to-day fruit of your Christian life.

We see this illustrated in the life of Judas. He was one of the twelve disciples. He had done some pretty impressive things. Matthew 10:1-3 tells us that he (along with the other disciples) was given authority to cast out demons and heal every disease in Jesus’ name. Can you claim to have accomplished more in the faith than Judas? Probably not, but none of us expect to meet him in Heaven. Why? Because we know his faith didn’t prove true. In the end he proved to be an evildoer by his actions. He never knew Jesus in a saving way.

Sometimes, just like Judas, people hide behind big, impressive accomplishments that appear to be the fruit of a Christian life when in fact they have no relationship with Jesus at all. Being a Christian isn’t about what you have accomplished; it’s about what He has accomplished on your behalf. It doesn’t matter how many people know you and are impressed with all you’ve done for the Lord. What matters is this: Does He know you? Is your name written in Jesus’ Book of Life. Has He changed you? Has He made you a new creation, so you might live for and obey Him? That’s what matters. 

It’s truly terrifying to me that Jesus says there will be “many” people who will be shocked to learn they aren’t saved on that final day. What a troubling thought that many people think they stand on solid footing before the Lord, many people think they are headed for Glory when in fact they will end up being cast into Hell. What a terrifying thought!

It may be cliché, but you really do need to make sure that you are ready! Be SURE of your salvation. Don’t put it off until later. Don’t leave it up to chance. Don’t count on a resume of a few impressive accomplishments. “Lord, I went on mission trips for you. Lord I was a church member. Lord, I gave thousands of dollars to the church.” All of these are good things, but they won’t save you. 

Do you have a personal relationship with Jesus? Does He know you? Has He changed you and given you a new heart? Is that showing up in the day-to-day fruit of your life? If not, then stop kidding yourself…you aren’t saved.

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