Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Joseph the Quiet Man

When Joseph woke up, he did what the angel of the Lord had commanded him and took Mary home as his wife.
Matthew 1:24

Scripture doesn't tell us much about Joseph. We know he was a carpenter, so he would have been familiar with hard work, splinters in his hands, and smashed thumbs. We also know he was poor because when he and Mary went to the Temple to offer the sacrifice for her purification rite instead of offering a lamb they offered two birds in keeping with a provision made in the law for poorer families. Past that we really have very little about Joseph in Scripture. He is never mentioned in Mark’s gospel and only indirectly referenced in John’s. In Matthew and Luke's gospels he is only mentioned in chapters 1 & 2. These shapshots in the first few chapters of Matthew and Luke are really all we are left with of the man who was Jesus' adoptive father.  

But there is still much we can learn from him. One of the things I've noticed about Joseph in this passage but also all throughout Scripture is that he didn’t say anything. He simply obeyed God. No words, just obedience. Scripture doesn’t even record Joseph going and telling Mary about the dream. It just says that he married her. In fact, Joseph never says a single word in all of Scripture. Not a word. 

Think of the amazingly significant role God gave this quiet man to play. He was the adoptive father of the eternal Son of God. You know God would not have chosen a wicked man or a short-tempered man to raise up His own Son. You know that God the Father entrusted God the Son into the care of a good and righteous man. Joseph was a solid, hardworking, quiet man. We have a lot of these kind of men and women in our churches and I thank God for them. The kingdom needs more solid, hardworking, quiet men and women of God who simply obey without a bunch of extra words.

You know, sometimes in the church, we give all the attention and praise to people, like myself, who talk a lot and aren’t scared to be in front of crowds, those who are willing to preach, teach, pray or sing solos. Joseph is a powerful reminder that God can use quiet people in powerful ways too. Maybe you know you will never teach a SS class or preach. You might share the gospel with a person one-on-one but you are never going to be the person in the spotlight. That's okay! God made you who you are and He can still use you in powerfully significant ways. 

Joseph was a quiet man who simply obeyed God. He didn't say a lot, he just obeyed. You do the same! Take the gifts God has given you and obey God with those gifts! Then you just wait and see if God won’t use you. Never underestimate the power of simple, quiet obedience!

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