Wednesday, April 3, 2019

Submitting to Authority

Let everyone be subject to the governing authorities, for there is no authority except that which God has established. The authorities that exist have been established by God. Consequently, whoever rebels against the authority is rebelling against what God has instituted, and those who do so will bring judgment on themselves.
Romans 13:1-2

I don't think Scripture gives us any clearer theology of authority than what these two verses offer. This passage commands believers to submit to governmental authorities at a time when Christians were sometimes persecuted and targeted for their faith. It challenges us to honor and obey them, even when they are wicked. We are to submit to them as far as we can without disobeying the Bible. What an important reminder at a time when politics are getting more and more radicalized.

Here are three truths this passage forces us to face:
  • Anyone in authority has been placed there by God. 
  • Thus, rebellion against someone in authority is rebellion against God.
  • This kind of rebellion will bring judgment.

Allow me to suggest one practical application. Stop badmouthing people in authority! I don’t care if it’s Donald Trump, Alexandra Occasio Cortez, Nancy Pelosi, or Mitch McConnell. The way many believers talk about the people God has placed in positions of authority in our country is embarrassing and shameful. I’ve heard Christians on both sides of the political aisle make fun of their appearance, openly wish terrible things would happen to them, call them stupid, and exaggerate their faults. And oftentimes we do it all over Facebook for the whole world to see. Stop it! This kind of behavior isn’t fitting for believers.

I’m not saying you have to agree with every politician. And I’m not saying you can’t speak up about the issues where they are wrong. But our respect for human authority is based on our respect for divine authority. So even if I disagree with those in positions of authority in my country- and there are many I disagree with- I will treat them with honor and respect. And I will do this whether they are in my district, in my state, or not.

This goes way beyond politics though. What about your boss? How do you talk about him or her behind their back? Or what about your pastor? How do you speak about him over Sunday lunch? Don't think God will overlook your rebellion. Sure, we are all tempted to badmouth some authority in our lives. But this passage reminds us that when we refuse to submit to human authority we bring God's judgment on our lives.

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