Wednesday, April 18, 2018

Look Back

The following night the Lord stood by [Paul] and said, “Take courage, for as you have testified to the facts about me in Jerusalem, so you must testify also in Rome.” When it was day, the Jews made a plot and bound themselves by an oath neither to eat nor drink till they had killed Paul.
Acts 23:11-12

Paul sits in chains in a Roman barracks in Jerusalem. Though innocent, he has been arrested and will soon go to Caesarea and eventually on to Rome for his first imprisonment there. Within the last few days two different Jewish mobs have tried to kill him with their bare hands. The first mob tried to beat him to death outside the Temple after he was falsely accused of desecrating their holy place. The second consisted of the chief priests and all of the Sanhedrin. As Paul presented his defense before them they became so enraged that a riot broke out among these religious leaders. It was so bad that a battle-hardened Roman commander of 1,000 men thought these religious men might tear Paul limb from limb. He had to send soldiers in to rescue the apostle. It is little wonder, then, that God felt Paul needed some encouragement and reassurance that night in the barracks. But when we read what mischief unfolds the next morning, God's wisdom and His goodness in appearing to Paul that night become even more apparent. 

An assassination plot has been hatched by more than forty Jewish men in league with the chief priests and elders to take Paul's life. Paul's nephew comes to the barracks to warn his uncle. Thankfully, as the story unfolds, Paul knows he needn't worry. God has already told him to take courage and has assured him that he will go to Rome. Paul knows that he cannot be assassinated in Jerusalem when God has an appointment for him in Rome!

These murderous men made the scheme against Paul in the morning, but God had already encouraged Paul the night before. God met Paul's need before it even arose. God isn't like we are. Since no problem takes Him by surprise, he doesn't have to wait until the problem comes along to solve it. God knew that these men would hatch their murderous plot the next morning, so He met Paul's need ahead of time.

Sometimes God does the same for us. Sometimes He provides for our needs before they even arise. So the next time a problem surprises you, the next time life hits you in the gut and takes your breath away, stop and look back! God may have already met your need ahead of time. He may have already given you the assurance you need in His Word, in His promises to you, or through His faithful dealings with you over many years.

So before you give in to fear, pause and look back at what God has already told you.

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